Hey, it’s been a minute
So much has been happening, & so much has change, but yet God remains the same. Like you all I have been trying to cope. I had a lot of goals last year that was not met and many unfinished projects. Already 3 months into 2021, yet I am still stagnant. But first lets count some of my blessings: I arrived at the hospital with two massive clots in both lungs & in my left leg on the verge of a stroke and walked out a couple days later to heal at home in the midst of Covid 19. While many restaurants was closing their doors; my husband place of…
20 Years Since I Said Yes!
At the break of a millennium & start of a new decade, he asked me to be his wife. He said he didn’t want to spend the new millennium alone. I should have gotten a hint Christmas ’99, with the new subscription of bridal magazine that arrived in my name. I thought a mistake had been made & planned on calling & stopping the subscription after the holidays. At that point we had been together for about a year and a half. To some that might not be enough time to date before asking the question. For us at the onset of the relationship, he told me he was…
Clothed With Dignity
Recently, some have approached me and say “you let Emmie wear a tube top.” So I found this to be a source of topic.. I am not the fashion police, nor the moral standard that you should go by.. but lets be real; your attire says a lot about you. I have noticed that as women we have taken what it means to be “confident” to mean “revealing”. You can be confident in who you are and dress with “decency”. See I am raising a young lady, who watches my every move. Yes, I want her to be confident in who she is but I have to model what that…
Activities Around Town
I know they have been home for a month now and they are antsy and wants out of the house and you have to go to work. I also know that funds may be low. Check out some of these websites for activities to do; Some are FREE! You can do it parents… you only have them for about another 5 weeks. Every Tuesdays in Sugar Hill $2 movies in Sugar Hill 2 showings Noon & 7Pm (Black Panther 6/25/19) Skating Admission $6/Skate rental free (11am -4Pm) http://www.skate-country.com/buford-schedule.htm $4 @ 6:30PM Websites: http://events.exploregwinnett.org/calendar https://www.events12.com/atlanta/july/ https://www.atlanta.net/events/family/ https://www.exploregeorgia.org/fairs-festivals? https://www.gwinnettcounty.com/web/gwinnett/departments/communityservices/parksandrecreation/summercamps https://www.eventbrite.com/d/ga–buford/free–festivals/?end_date=2019-08-10&page=1&start_date=2019-06-24 https://www.sixflags.com/overgeorgia Wilnia Mom2Greg&Emmie
Faces of Summer 2019
Purposeful Summer Vacations
How do you pick where to spend your family vacations? Do you have family vacations? In planning your family vacations what is important to your family? How thoughtful are you at planning your family vacations? When was your last family vacation? What was the vacation like? Plan out a budget for the next family vacation & see if my suggestion can work especially for those who have children of school age. I know, I know family vacations are to be fun! Ours certainly are. My children always come out having had experiences that they will remember for a lifetime. We are thankful that God has allowed us to make some…
Sorting College Brochures
College Visits
We’re Married, Now What?
We stood in our new home’s kitchen, fully dressed in our wedding attire! Feeling in awe by all that happened during our “big day”. So now what? I asked. I guess we stay here, he responded. Oh, You see what happened was… we had been planning this “wedding” for 18 months. The day had come and gone. Our ceremony was at 10:00 AM, followed by reception 12:00PM – 5:00 PM. & here we now stood wondering what’s next. Well, we knew what was next… get your mind out of the gutter… but after that! Lol So busy planning the “perfect fairy-tale wedding” and forgetting about what’s next. What was next…
Father’s Day Ideas
What do you get a man who has everything? Create a basket of all his toiletries Dry clean all of his casual/business/semi-formal/formal attires Create a slideshow of all the times he was “caught doing good” with the kids Create & perform for him a skit/play depicting how important he is to the family or “playing him” around the house Purchase a yearlong gift card for him to use at his barber (asked the barber for his rate and time it the amount of time dad gets his haircut) all dad has to pay is the tip or you can pay the tip ahead of time Pay someone else to come…