Parenting with Balance: to share, advise, educate & grow
Welcome to our site, where we can have “authentic conversation” about what is plaguing our relationships, our families and society! At Parenting with Balance, in sharing your experiences, you will be a testimony to another. Parenting is a tremendous job entrusted to some, by God. The family unit is vital to the success of a society. I must keep my eyes on “my house” while keeping a balanced life. God is not going to ask me about my degrees, not about my role or position in society. Yes, I do have to be the best me, yes I do have to show who God is in my speaking and attitude in society. He will ask me for my family. I want God to say about me what he said about Noah, & David. I want to stand before God and say what Joshua said, & for Him to say faithful servant well done.
I’m sadden by the state of some families and felt the need to bring up some issues that can help, encourage or enlightened. This is not a platform to elevate nor embarrass my family. This is not a way for me to show I’m better. Just want to bring up some of the “elephants” in the room. We “shelf It”: Oh “It will work out”, or we say “God knows”. Let’s remove “the picket fence” and get vulnerable with some “authentic conversations”.
This has been in my heart to do for a long time. I thought that I needed to have a Dr. in front of my name for others to listen to me. But who was Moses, who was Joseph? (my truth, my vulnerability). Meanwhile, one more failed marriage, one more failed relationship, one more family that has gone their separate ways. If I can help save 1 marriage, 1 child from leaving home, I will know that I have done my part in bringing up an issue that was being overlooked.
This blog will provide guided advice and tips on parenting while managing, and maintaining a fulfilling life spiritually, physically, and mentally. Stories, videos, Step by Step tips and interviews will be used as a way to “reveal” the “elephant” in the room.
A dear friend said that the tools that I have to reach people are already in me and that my marriage is a prime example of my faith and how we are working through life TOGETHER! All praises to Him. I am humbled by her words. This has encouraged me to use this platform to bring awareness to families. So please join me by sharing and posting a comment to one of the topics that you can relate too!
Authentically yours,